7 Easy Easter Egg Ideas For Your Classroom #Kmarthack

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

Kmart has these super cute plastic Easter Eggs in tubes (I found them in green/blue and pink) so be sure to grab them quickly before they pack up their Easter goodies!

I was thinking of some fun ways to use these in the classroom and brainstormed several ideas I thought I'd share with you PLUS give you a lovely Easter freebie you can use with them!

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

1. CVC Words/Sight words

Download this CVC Short A Freebie (only available on my blog), print and cut the CVC word sorts and place one into each egg. Students open the egg and sort the CVC word into the correct spelling using the image as a guide. You can differentiate this by removing the image and/or removing the vowel. 

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

2. Word Families

I wrote directly on the egg with a permanent marker and you will need to snip these egg attachments on the side with scissors so the egg can spin around. Students can record their answers in their work book or see how many words they can make with the eggs and try swapping tops and bottoms of the egg shell around to see if any other word families can be made. 

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

3. Opposites

This activity will work best if you split the tops and bottoms of the egg shells up so that they can't just match the colour but have to read the word. Write opposite words on each top and bottom of the egg shell and let students match them up. Run a timer and make it a fun competitive game in class!

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

4. Matching upper case with lower case

Write upper and lower case letters on tops and bottoms.. mix it up a bit by changing colours to match and also don't always write the upper case letter on the top egg shell.. challenge your students a bit. Great fun activity to do with a timer as well!

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.

5. Contractions

Write the words in full on each top and bottom of the egg shell and then get students to write the contraction of a piece of paper and place it inside the egg shell and close it up. Get another student or work in teams to check the answers by hatching the eggs.

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.
6. Rich vocabulary

Extend your students' vocabulary by writing an 'everyday' word on the front of the egg and getting students to write on pieces of paper, as many different synonyms for that word and them place inside. You could pass the eggs around the room and get students to place their answer inside without looking at the other answers. Then do a check and count at the end. Repetitive answers don't count for points but you could award 2 points for each answer that is a great synonym for that particular word. Great to use with any 'said is dead' activities!

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations.
7. Geographic Features

Yes. I actually came up with a HASS game for these eggs can you believe it! Features of the classroom - write as many as you can (as with the game above) and place inside the egg. Same with features of the beach and you could use library, playground, supermarket etc.. this gets students used to the term 'features' and the concept of describing places. You could mix things up and place the wrong features in the wrong eggs.. then get students to open and discuss or find the correct egg (good timer activity for the whole class where they run about looking for the correct egg to place the correct term into). 

Easy Easter Egg Ideas for Your Classroom. Try CVC word sorts, sight words and more ideas for your literacy rotations. #foundationintofirst #easter #teacherblog #teacher #freebie

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